Prayer Ministry

Intown is a church that draws near to God in prayer. We take our requests to God believing that he is a caring Father who listens and a powerful King who responds. We believe it brings glory and honor to him when we ask him to provide for us what we cannot provide for ourselves.

Prayer Requests

If you would like the staff, elders, and deacons to pray for you, please click here to submit your request.

Every Sunday

After worship service every Sunday, volunteers are available at the front of the sanctuary to pray with anyone who wants prayer.

Service of Prayer for Healing

Once each month, a prayer service is held immediately following the Sunday worship service specifically focused on healing and wholeness.

First Monday Day of Prayer & Fasting

The first Monday of every month our prayer team provides a guide for a day of prayer and fasting. If you're not sure where to begin, read  prayer and fasting info sheet.

The guide usually includes a biblical passage, reflection, and questions to help you. 

Many talented artists and writers collaborated to put together an Advent devotional guide which you can find digitally here. We encourage you to use this for our First Monday of Prayer and Fasting instead of our usual guide which we will resume in the new year.