OASIS Women's Bible Study

Oasis Fall 2020 starts on Thursday, September 10th! This semester, we will have one group meeting in person, at a safe distance and outdoors. The other two groups will meet virtually. Thursday mornings at Intown offer an opportunity for women to come together and receive nourishment from the Lord through his word.and each other. Studies will meet from 10:00-11:30 am (time may change slightly depending on what is best for your group). Click here to register today (space is limited)!

Women's Mentoring Ministry


The Women's Ministry is excited to offer an opportunity for mentoring relationships to be formed at Intown. Following the Titus 2 model of older women mentoring younger women, we are looking for women of all ages to participate.


A mentor is a person who has followed Christ longer than you have and is willing to share her life lessons. A mentor acts as a trusted guide, a teacher or coach.


Mentoring is the sharing of one's life, being willing to be transparent and vulnerable. It is passing on the love and wisdom you have received out of gratitude for what you have received. Mentors meet with their mentee a minimum of once a month in an informal, relaxed setting and as often as the two decide. The mentor and mentee make a one year commitment to meet together.


• It is not a replacement for a discipleship group or Bible study.

• It is not a therapy or professional counseling.

• It is not only spiritual guidance but provides practical guidance as well.


If you are interested in being mentored or becoming a mentor, please fill out the form here

Please contact Jean Joiner (jjoiner@intown.org) for more information.

Women's Small Groups

• Sun. @ 2 p.m. (Leader: Becky Hoover)

• Wednesday @ 7:30 pm (Sherri Breunig)

• Wednesday @ 8:00 pm (Amy Wells) 

• Wednesday every other week @ 7:15 pm (Penny Rogers)

• Thurs. @ 7 p.m. (Tricia Agan) 

• Friday @ 7-9 pm, geared towards international women (Rhiannon Evangelista)

If you have any questions about Women's Ministry or if you want to serve, please contact Jean Joiner, jjoiner@intown.org, 404-993-4846.